
November 2016 | Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction is an Android logical game designed specifically to practice spatial thinking and prediction skills. It has built-in 100 levels with varied difficulties. Each level contains colored blocks arranged in a chess-like manner. Two neighboring blocks cannot have the same color. Each block (square or hexagon) can be rotated over other given block. Player’s goal is to destroy all the blocks on each level. The level must be solved by using the smallest number of moves made by the player.

Each level has a clearly defined limit of moves that the player can make. The limit of moves was calculated for each level separately by using special brute-force algorithm – the solution finder, which was checking one by one almost all possible moves until the best solution was found.

November 2012 | Blocks Don’t Lie
Puzzle game where the player tries to connect falling blocks so they create the original picture. It was available for download on Google Play and Apple App Store between 2012 and 2013.

2005 | RGBlocks
RGBlocks was an advanced Tetris clone with a lot of special effects and additional packages (scene rotation, shooting bullets), explosions, in-game console, sound effects and music. It was my first attempt in creating complete game using OpenGL and SDL. Later in 2008 it was ported to AmigaOS by Spot (

July 2004 | 3DCatalogViewer
3DCatalogViewer was a special program to view contents of directories as a 3D scene. It’s like a file manager where user flies around between the files and directories. In order to change currently viewed catalog player needs to drive into given folder. Program was also using GTK before launch to configure some specific options.

2004 | SDL-Fighter
SDL-Fighter was a simple space shoot ’em up with 5 action packed levels. There’s a boss to kill at the end of each. Main game features:
– scrolling background,
– animated explosions, sound effects,
– 3 types of weapons,
– 3 types of enemies and 2 types of bosses,
– bonus items like faster shooting, ammo, shield, additional ships,
– classic retro soundtrack from Amiga games and demos.

It was coded in C using SDL 1.2 and SDL_image/SDL_mixer. The graphical assets are not that great and were made in GIMP. Later the game was ported by the community to Dreamcast console, PSP, AmigaOS and Xbox (not 360, the first one). Before SDL-Fighter I first coded simple shoot ’em up in NCurses to play in terminal on Linux. It was also ported for the AmigaOS by Spot (Spot on, Spot on OS4Depot).

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